Vénus obsèques

by Johanna Caraire

Feature-length fiction film

In development
Directed by
Johanna Caraire

Produced by
Sister Productions (France)
For Rita, 37 (resent 17), family is everyone else's family. The only daughter of a toxic mother, she has taken refuge in the family of her heart, made up of her friends Manon and Bonnie, and above all Juanita, Manon's grandmother, whom Rita adores because she supports her in her follies. When Juanita dies and Manon discovers she's pregnant, Rita, more isolated than ever, goes from unpredictable to uncontrollable and steals Juanita's ashes. To ensure that Juanita's last wishes are respected, she takes Manon and Bonnie on a wild funeral trip to Lanzarote.
Fonds F.I.L.M. Nouvelle-Aquitaine