Directed by
Maylis DartigueAuthor
Maylis DartigueFormat
70-80'Produced by
Colombo, at night; I find Dinuka as we have been doing for some years, through our intercultural idyll. Camera in hand, I try to collect a trace of his career as a traditional dancer and percussionist, emancipating himself from the mores of our society of birth. In parallel, several months after his first difficult trip to France, we cross the letters that we have addressed since then, noting our internal structures antagonistic, our total absence of homogeneity, and especially the love that binds us, strangely, allowing us to transcend all borders.Through this film, I try to unfold the story of a cross initiation liberated from its original conditioning, and the importance for each to take his place in a same world, physical as symbolic, to truly love.
National Dance CentreNouvelle-Aquitaine Region